Friday, December 26, 2008

Why a common Pakistani thinks India as anti-muslim

This is an article from TOI, I strongly feel that the world(who believes in humanity) should decide what to teach to coming generation in any part of world. Being a nationalist is acceptable but one should be careful about the weakly defined margin between nationalist and terrorist in context of Pakistan.
I want to define this weakly margin in my own word. If you are going to kill one Hindu then it's nationalism of Pakistan but by chance you have killed one Muslim then it's terrorism by the law of Pakistan. They are deteriorating the name of Islam. A common Pakistani should think on this matter seriously.

The empowerment of terror in Pakistan has not happened overnight. This is the logical culmination of the politics and policies pursued by Pakistan for years now. Terrorism in Pakistan has its roots in the culture of hate and the ethos of inequality on the ground of religious faith, leading to their being deeply ingrained in the Pakistani psyche and mindset.

One factor that has played a crucial role in creating this culture of hate is the educational policy of the government of Pakistan pursued since 1977. The officially prescribed textbooks, especially for school students, are full of references that promote hate against India in general, and Hindus in particular.

A cursory glance at Pakistani school textbooks - especially the compulsory subjects like Pakistan studies and social studies - gives an idea of how history has been distorted and a garbled version prescribed to build this mindset and attitude.

The objective of Pakistan's education policy has been defined thus in the preface to a Class 6 book: "Social studies have been given special importance in educational policy so that Pakistan's basic ideology assumes the shape of a way of life, its practical enforcement is assured, the concept of social uniformity adopts a practical form and the whole personality of the individual is developed." This statement leaves no doubt that "social uniformity", not national unity, is a part of Pakistan's basic ideology.

The Class 5 book has this original discovery about Hindu help to bring British rule to India: "The British had the objective to take over India and to achieve this, they made Hindus join them and Hindus were very glad to side with the British. After capturing the subcontinent, the British began on the one hand the loot of all things produced in this area, and on the other, in conjunction with Hindus, to greatly suppress the Muslims."

The Std VIII book says, "Their (Muslim saints) teachings dispelled many superstitions of the Hindus and reformed their bad practices. Thereby Hindu religion of the olden times came to an end."

On Indo-Pak wars, the books give detailed descriptions and openly eulogize 'jihad' and 'shahadat' and urge students to become 'mujahids' and martyrs and leave no room for future friendship and cordial relations with India.

According to a Class 5 book, "In 1965, the Pakistani army conquered several areas of India, and when India was on the point of being defeated, she requested the United Nations to arrange a ceasefire. After 1965, India, with the help of Hindus living in East Pakistan, instigated the people living there against the people of West Pakistan, and finally invaded East Pakistan in December 1971. The conspiracy resulted in the separation of East Pakistan from us. All of us should receive military training and be prepared to fight the enemy."

The book prescribed for higher secondary students makes no mention of the uprising in East Pakistan in 1971 or the surrender by more than 90,000 Pakistani soldiers. Instead, it claims, "In the 1971 India-Pakistan war, the Pakistan armed forces created new records of bravery and the Indian forces were defeated everywhere."

The students of Class 3 are taught that "Muhammad Ali (Jinnah) felt that Hindus wanted to make Muslims their slaves and since he hated slavery, he left the Congress". At another place it says, "The Congress was actually a party of Hindus. Muslims felt that after getting freedom, Hindus would make them their slaves."

And this great historic discovery is taught to Std V students, "Previously, India was part of Pakistan."

Commenting on this literature that spreads hate, leading Pakistani educationist Tariq Rahman wrote, "It is a fact that the textbooks cannot mention Hindus without calling them cunning, scheming, deceptive or something equally insulting. Students are taught and made to believe that Pakistan needs strong and aggressive policies against India or else Pakistan will be annihilated by it

Friday, December 19, 2008

Postal system in Kashmir

India has assigned an Indian "Postal Identification Number" prefix to Pakistan-Administered Kashmir, Pakistan in return has not reciprocated the gesture. India's postal service will not deliver mail to Pakistani-Administered Kashmir unless the Indian postal code and word "India" appears in the address, while Pakistan's postal service often refuses to handle mail that bears the word "India" on letter bound for Pakistani Kashmir. Hence, a complicated and unofficial system of delivery has evolved whereby most letters from India, or Indian-Administered Kashmir, that are bound for Pakistani Kashmir are actually sent to post-offices in Pakistan's Punjab province that are in close proximity to Pakistani Kashmir. Residents of Pakistani Kashmir will have notified the local Punjabi branch that they actually reside in Kashmir, but are simply maintaining a Punjabi postal address for convenience. Although it is illegal to do so, postal workers in those offices then unofficially forward the mail to post-offices in Pakistani Kashmir for pick-up. Important documents, on the other hand, are delivered to third parties in Dubai, who then re-address the mail to its destination in either Kashmir.
(From- wikipedia)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time Series Project

Dear friends,

I am new to Econometrics and recently I have submitted one course project in time-series analysis. If you are interested to go through it, just click over the link

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Just think once before you speak

This is my message to all my Pakistani brothers. They have denied the fact at the time of Kargil war and they have seen military rule for roughly 9years and lost the life of millions of Pakistani youth and not only this, your country is about to be bankrupt.
You should learn something from India, in spite of knowing about the fact that Musharraf was the cause of Kargil war, we have welcomed him in order to bring peace in South Asia. We have caught Afzal and Col. Purohit in order to ensure peace in the region but one the other hand Dawood and Maulana Masood Azahar are taking shelter in Pakistan.
I love Pakistan and Pakistani but hate those forces who are creating a chaos in South Asia. This is not the time to appeal foul against India but it's time to look at yourself. Wake up brothers and fight for peace in south Asia.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Create Terror for Terrorists

It was a disturbing experience of watching whole escapade live. I couldn't manage to sleep for two nights. I was feeling a kind of guilt inside me not being a part of operation TORNADO. I am very thankful to all my countrymen who stood beside our security forces. It was not just a fight for our security person or our government but it was a fight for every Indian soul. Who can forget the brave work of our fire fighters and dogs, which contributed significantly in cleaning work.
Now, we have to learn something and we have to continue the cleaning work which we have initiated from Taj, we have to spread it room by room and floor by floor to each and every corner of India. I have a few suggestion for our countrymen to workout:-
1. We have to figure out the suspects in our neighborhood and should share it to related authorities.
2. No tolerance for terrorism.
(i). Kill all those terrorists who are lying in our jails because feeding them is the misuse of our food grains.
(ii). Don't waste our bullet in order to kill them
(iii). Send them to medical colleges and perform biological experiments on them
(iv). Cut their organs and donate it to poor and needy patients
I think this is right time to do it as there are a lot of casualty in our hospital and some of them will need organ transplant. We have to behave as cold blooded in order to spread terror for terrorism.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thursday, November 06, 2008

This Economy does not compute

A nice Article by Mark Buchanan:-

A few weeks ago, it seemed the financial crisis wouldn't spin completely out of control. The government knew what it was doing - at least the economic experts were saying so - and the Treasury had taken a stand against saving failing firms, letting Lehman Brothers file for bankruptcy.

But since then we've had the rescue of the insurance giant AIG, the arranged sale of failing banks and we'll soon see, in one form or another, the biggest taxpayer bailout of Wall Street in history.

It seems clear that no one really knows what is coming next. Why?

Well, part of the reason is that economists still try to understand markets by using ideas from traditional economics, especially so-called equilibrium theory. This theory views markets as reflecting a balance of forces, and says that market values change only in response to new information - the sudden revelation of problems about a company, for example, or a real change in the housing supply. Markets are otherwise supposed to have no real internal dynamics of their own. Too bad for the theory, things don't seem to work that way.

Nearly two decades ago, a classic economic study found that of the 50 largest single-day price movements since World War II, most happened on days when there was no significant news, and that news in general seemed to account for only about a third of the overall variance in stock returns. A recent study by some physicists found much the same thing - financial news lacked any clear link with the larger movements of stock values.

Certainly, markets have internal dynamics. They're self-propelling systems driven in large part by what investors believe other investors believe; participants trade on rumors and gossip, on fears and expectations, and traders speak for good reason of the market's optimism or pessimism.

Really understanding what's going on means going beyond equilibrium thinking and getting some insight into the underlying ecology of beliefs and expectations, perceptions and misperceptions, that drive market swings. Surprisingly, very few economists have actually tried to do this, although that's now changing - if slowly - through the efforts of pioneers who are building computer models able to mimic market dynamics by simulating their workings from the bottom up.

The idea is to populate virtual markets with artificially intelligent agents who trade and interact and compete with one another much like real people. These "agent based" models let market behavior emerge naturally from the actions of the interacting participants, which may include individuals, banks, hedge funds and other players, even regulators.

What comes out may be a quiet equilibrium, or it may be something else.

For example, an agent model being developed by the Yale economist John Geanakoplos, along with two physicists, Doyne Farmer and Stephan Thurner, looks at how the level of credit in a market can influence its overall stability. Obviously, credit can be a good thing as it aids all kinds of creative economic activity, from building houses to starting businesses. But too much easy credit can be dangerous.

In the model, market participants, especially hedge funds, do what they do in real life - seeking profits by aiming for ever higher leverage, borrowing money to amplify the potential gains from their investments. More leverage tends to tie market actors into tight chains of financial interdependence, and the simulations show how this effect can push the market toward instability by making it more likely that trouble in one place - the failure of one investor to cover a position - will spread more easily elsewhere.

That's not really surprising, of course. But the model also shows something that is not at all obvious. The instability doesn't grow in the market gradually, but arrives suddenly. Beyond a certain threshold the virtual market abruptly loses its stability in a "phase transition" akin to the way ice abruptly melts into liquid water.

Beyond this point, collective financial meltdown becomes effectively certain. This is the kind of possibility that equilibrium thinking cannot even entertain.

It's important to stress that this work remains speculative. It is not meant to be realistic in full detail, only to illustrate in a simple setting the kinds of things that may indeed affect real markets. It suggests that the narrative stories we tell in the aftermath of every crisis, about how it started and spread, and about who's to blame, may lead us to miss the deeper cause entirely.

Financial crises may emerge naturally from the very makeup of markets, as competition between investment enterprises sets up a race for higher leverage, driving markets toward a precipice that we cannot recognize even as we approach it. The model offers a potential explanation of why we have another crisis narrative every few years, with only the names and details changed. And why we're not likely to avoid future crises with a little fiddling of the regulations, but only by exerting broader control over the leverage that we allow to develop.

Another example is a model explored by the German economist Frank Westerhoff. A contentious idea in economics is that levying very small taxes on transactions in foreign exchange markets might help to reduce market volatility. A tax of 0.1 percent of the transaction volume, for example, would deter rapid-fire speculation, while preserving currency exchange linked more directly to productive economic purposes.

Economists have argued over this idea for decades, the debate usually driven by ideology. In contrast, Westerhoff and colleagues have used agent models to build realistic markets on which they impose taxes of various kinds to see what happens.

So far they've found tentative evidence that a transaction tax may stabilize currency markets, but also that the outcome has a surprising sensitivity to seemingly small details of market mechanics - on precisely how, for example, the market matches buyers and sellers. The model is helping to bring some solid evidence to a debate of extreme importance.

A third example is a model developed by Charles Macal and colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois and aimed at providing a realistic simulation of the interacting entities in that state's electricity market, as well as the electrical power grid. They were hired by Illinois several years ago to use the model in helping the state plan electricity deregulation, and the model simulations were instrumental in exposing several loopholes in early market designs that companies could have exploited to manipulate prices.

Similar models of deregulated electricity markets are being developed by a handful of researchers around the world, who see them as the only way of reckoning intelligently with the design of extremely complex deregulated electricity markets, where faith in the reliability of equilibrium reasoning has already led to several disasters.

Sadly, the academic economics profession remains reluctant to embrace this new computational approach. Something of the attitude of economic traditionalists spilled out a number of years ago at a conference where economists and physicists met to discuss new approaches to economics. As one physicist who was there tells me, a prominent economist objected that the use of computational models amounted to "cheating" or "peeping behind the curtain," and that respectable economics had to be pursued through the proof of infallible mathematical theorems.

If we're really going to avoid crises, we're going to need something more imaginative, starting with a more open-minded attitude to how science can help us understand how markets really work. With simulations, we can discover relationships that the unaided human mind would never grasp.

Better market models alone will not prevent crises, but they may give regulators better ways for assessing market dynamics, and more important, techniques for detecting early signs of trouble. Economic tradition, of all things, shouldn't be allowed to inhibit economic progress.

Monday, October 06, 2008

A naive thinking

Every moment in this life just a moment of illusion and mirage is spread out everywhere in Globe. If you are not opening your eyes with time then there is a great probability that you will fell down but don't scare about it falling an universal driving agent and it's only because of that agent you are falling. In the very moment try to gather and walk against that universal force because it's not only your wish but he is also quite agree with your approach and then you will be able to touch the zenith moment, the moment where no one can force you to get down anymore.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

My Great Indian Dream

First of all, I want to bow my head in the feet of lord Gandhi on his birthday. I would like to express myself regarding the present condition of India. Being a citizen of India, it hurts me that I am out of India for better education, it contradicts the thinking of lord Gandhi about this great nation called India. We were the center of education for Globe in past, we have invented the invincible power of peace. Now, our existence as an united India is in jeopardy. What is the cause???

I am an amateur identity in this area but I want to explain it from my own senses. The root cause is the governing system, which got deteriorated with the passage of time. As we can see our national politics was a family matter for more than half of time we spent as a free nation. People are bringing local issue for attracting votes, we have left our national issue like education, poverty and developing India as a sovereign nation. Now, I would like to count the political agenda of the main parties. They talk about the issues like Hinduism, Islam, Christianity but no one talks being an Indian. Indian Catholicism is lacking in everyone.

People talks about quota based on cast and religion but they never talk about quota or special benefits to poor Indian. When people talk about Industrialization, they only talks about their regional issues. If your regional and religious issues are such important thing then why are you pretending to be an Indian. Why you show yourself as an Indian law makers? Everyone knows that they have their identity in world as an Indian and they will loose that identity after being separated from India. As we all knows the situation of Pakistan and Bangladesh after being separated from India. If you/me/ham is going to reform India then it will be very easy to implement our idea because unity is a suppressed truth in India.
It requires an effort from every drop of Indian blood. I wish to see India as the center of world economy, art, politics, power and welfare. I don't know whether I will succeed in my path to build a new India but nevertheless I am going to try for it.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

All continents are standing in row

A few pictures



One of the closest friend, I have found in Europe. Sulujing ( and me

Paola and me sharing coca-cola after completing hectic course work. We always share our diplomatic view about frictions across world.

My mother with her third generation

Nisha and my Mother

A visit to the past

In India(Specially in Hindi region), when a child learn to pronounce first word as BABA(Grandfather). I feel myself as a rich person who spent his childhood in lap of Grandfather in spite of his living biological parents. I have learnt to walk by holding his finger and walking on his footsteps. In later days, when I was a school boy, In spite of his old age he was the most frequent visitor to my hostel. Most of our friend was not sure whether I have parents alive? He has performed the role father and grandfather with me with great sense of duty. Finally, every story has an end. He left me alone in March, 2007 , when I was a Collage student. Unfortunately, I was absent in his funeral ceremony. Fianlly, Thanks you a lot for developing me as a strong man with sense of responsiblity(whatever I have).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Certificate authentication in Bengal

I am a graduate from ISI, Bangalore. Unfortunately the head office of my Institute or you can say certificate issuing branch is situated in Kolkata. My own story gives a snap shot of communist culture in India. Is it communism or a shield to avoid the tag of being backward(far from development) area?
In my friend's tongue who is pursuing his MBBS course in so called best Institute in Kolakata, " Kichar mein hi kamal khilta hai." Is there any Lotus in the mud or there is only mud all around? As we all know, Kolkata is supposed to be one of the most prosperous name in terms of development during British days. Being a Bihari, I have found that there is only one state in Indian whose bureaucrats can be compared to Bihari counterpart in terms of work efficiency. If you will evaluate their work in comparison to their salary then they 150% over paid.
I went to ISI, Kolkata office at 11 Am to collect my certificate and they have asked me to submit a draft of 300Rs in favour of Institute. After completing this procedure they told me finally that the guy who is in charge of handling my certificate to me is absent on that day. I was out my temper but thanks to most gentle friend Chitrabhanu, who made me calm. On next day, finally I have got my certificates.
Finally, I entered in next step to get my certificate authenticated from HRD, West Bengal. The office was situated in writer's building, the building was in such a poor condition that no one can make a guess about this building to be a top administrative building of West Bengal. The office Babu(Clerk) told me in Bengali that it will take one month in verification job but if he will do something then it can be done in one week. I greeted Babu for showing me a quick way to finish my work. He took two days to compose a letter for verification to ISI and ISI took next 5 days to draft a reply on the enquiry. Finally, I submitted it to HRD West Bengal and got a recommendation letter to Dept. of foreign affairs to authenticate my documents.
At last, my documents came to desk of foreign affairs, Kolkata branch which is more look like the ticket counter of my village railway station. Where you have to stand on the road to wait for your turn. If there will be a crowd of 25 people for passport application then it results to a traffic jam on the road. It took another two days to get my documents verified. Finally, I have got my another work done from Indian bureaucrats.
My final doubt:- Can we achieve 10% growth rate with such a sincere workforce??? Am I going to change or get adopted to such environment if I am going to join Indian Government service?? Really, this is an open question.

Opening a new bank account at Sitmarhi

My father has to open an account in Central bank of India at Marwari Bazar branch in Sitamarhi. So, he asked me for a help. I told my father that opening a new bank account barely takes half and hour and we will finish our work latest at 1pm then we will get back to village by evening train in just one sentence. Was it so easy?
I am going to narrate the whole story. I went to the bank office at 9.30AM with an idea to finish my work in early hours. It was 10.30 AM, a sweeper opened the gate of the bank and started sweeping, I approached sweeper and asked when SAHAB is supposed to arrive. He told me that it's rainy season so work will start with a delay. At 11.45 AM, I have seen a person coming with a bag and lunch box as he came inside the people started gathering around him and started to request him to look up his work. At 12.10pm, I have got my turn to request him about my work. He told me to wait for a while. At 12.30Pm, the office was full with staffs and then the family gossip started.
"One staff:-Are sharma jee, aapke gaon ke mohan jee ke ladkawa ka shaadi theek hua ki nahi, sune hai ki uska army mein bahali hua hai.
Second staff:- Are kya bataye thakurjee, jab se uske betwa ka naukari hua, sasure ka bhao hi badal gaya hai........"
I interrupted in their talks and asked I have to open an account, he replied, "khul jayega but aaj nahi hoga". I replied, do something it's very important. he replied, "Are aaj staff nahi hai naa, chinta kahe karte hai, jab tak ham hai sab ho jayega. I again requested, "sir ho jayega, ye to hame bhi malum hai but hame aaj kaam karna hai". He got baffled at my reply and suggest me to talk to Bank manager about it. The bank manager suggested me to wait for four hours and finally he handled me the account opening form. I filled the form and submitted it to the bank manager and he told me to submit the amount more than 500 Rs to cash counter. I went to the counter and got a quick reply from the guy sitting inside that it is closed already. Finally, I came back to home.
One second day, I went there at 12.30 Pm and seen a notice at the gate that link(Internet) is not functioning and there was a heavy crowd of people in the bank waiting for their work. Finally, at 2pm I got the news that the link started functioning and I have submitted the cash at 3.30pm.
Suddenly, I have started feeling urge for 10 minute interval and unfortunately there was no pubic toilet in the bank. If there is a urge then there is a way, I made my way to to staff toilet in the bank but at the entrance the sweeper objected that it is only for office staff then I replied back kya ham office ke bahar ke lagte hai. Finally, he gave me the way to go inside and I got relief.
At the last, I have collected my passbook at 4.45pm and made my way to home. In short, I want to conclude that opening a bank account takes 2 days at least. I want to add one video link to consolidate my point.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Universal existence of Bathroom writers and the Economics behind it:-

After visiting two continents and gathering information from the friends in almost all continents, I can assert that Zealot toilet scholars exist everywhere in the world. I will concentrate towards positive part of supposedly negative thinking. People who destroy there energy in sketching graphical description of their friends, posting mobile number of number-2 type girls and many other innovative useless things can use there intellect for the welfare of mankind. I want to stress on the reach of these bathroom scholars. It's my experience, please do not take it as a satire on those intellectual thinker. In my view, it's most recently discovered place to speak out. Around 8 months back, I have seen first slogan to boycott Beijing Olympics in the toilet of Universite Paris1 Pantheonne-Sorbonne(Tobiac Campus) just below the sketch of a nude girl.


Now, Everyone is well aware of the reach of this newly discovered media. The fire which is initiated inside toilet of Paris-1 made French president bold enough to boycott starting ceremony of Olympics as he was a regular user of that toilet. A lot of Shahi clinics running their Business from the toilets. As an Economist, I will appreciate bidding for the right of pasting pamphlets in Indian toilets. It will raise a good amount to maintain ill-conditioned Indian toilets. Public toilets are most widely appreciated media to speak out your feeling, which will attract common people's attention in most effective way because while peeing people suppose to be most relax(Ref. Birbal's Theorem) in this fast paced world. It's my appeal to Indian AIDS awareness society to start their campaign from Public toilet in stead of starting it with Shilpa-Richard smooching sessions. I will emphasize on the selectivity of quality of posters. For example in our ISI toilet we can display posters having some mind-blowing, revolutionary Hypothesis.......I am want to list one of them named Safdar's Hypothesis.

Safdar's Hypothesis: There exist a simple random walk in n-manifolds and stupid B. Rajeev can not understand it.

Now, people will concentrate their mind in sketching possible path and closed formulas for simple random walk in place of designing logo of BAT-BALL tournament. So, what do you think about this mind blowing idea.............

This is one of my unpublished work as an Economist.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My days in Germany


I arrived in Germany on first January, 2008. Every government and public establishments was supposed to be closed on that day, in spite of knowing everything I have made an entry to other country on a holiday. Thanks to my luck and co-operative German people, they gave my room-key on a holiday which seems really impossible to imagine in west.
The behavior of University administration was quite helpful to us and they simply consider us better students then Germans, which is not quite true in general. Although, higher education is quite cheaper in Europe for EU students but they have great respect for the students having full scholarship.
Although, I am away from my country for more than six months but I never felt that I am away from Indians because I have found not only Indian but Hindi speaking crowd everywhere in Germany and France. As an Indian, I can say that world has a great respect for us and they are expecting a role of world leader from Indians.
Long live world, Long live India.

The politician I admire

We all know, Pakistan is no where close to India in terms of Infra-structure and minds but the region where we lacks is patriotism. No doubt there is a huge lobby of corrupt politician in Pakistan but one guy is determined to fight from all evil but we have Raj Thakrey in India.
There might be several Indians in UK and USA, who cares but we don't have a single Imraan Khan, who got married to a UK citizen but preferred Pakistani land. He made first heart hospital of Pakistan on his own credit and which is a successful story of providing free treatment to poor people.
Unofficially, he was offered prime-minister post by President Musharraf but denied because of his principals. He is not participating in ongoing Pakistani elections because there is nothing which going to be fair in this election. We should not compare ourselves to Pakistan, they are no where closer to us but still we have to discover one politician like Imaraan Khan. Friends, join my hand and take an oath to make a corruption free India.

A few words for my land

Our Indian economy is booming since a long time and everybody is talking about feel good factor but we should think about what is this feel good factor?
We have to look at the darker side of our spontaneous growth rate, overall our economy looks pretty good in recent years but these are because of stylized facts, on the other hand ongoing high inflation phase will severely affect our growth in long run.

We should not forget that half of our population is still starving and they are unable to arrange their basic necessities of life. Situation is so tense that the people who wants to get rid of their hunger by migrating to states having better Infrastructure are forced to live in hunger and threatened to be killed. They are paid less than local labors.
Who can forget that when Mr. JC Bose offered less salary than fellow Englishman, whole India got offended. Now, we are practicing with our own brothers, where is our brotherhood. When a Bihari cracks IIT JEE; Delhiwalle counts them as their own student. When they need labor force, they use to hire Biharis because they are hard working and better skilled. You can see behavior of locals towards Bihari labors in Mumbai, Delhi, Assam, Bengal, Chennai, which is sickening.
These bastard lawmakers and capitalist are responsible for this condition of Bihar and Biharis. The states, which are maintaining their high growth because of Bihari work force are ready to snatch the breads from their hands. Really speaking for Biharis, it is worst than the British time.
For us, It should not be our motive to produce more and more Billionaires but it should be directed to minimizing our starving population. I am writing this in a forum, which consists of a chunk of people who can think. Think for your own blood, think for your soil, condemn this metro oriented growth. Think about your 70% brothers and sister(excluding members from your in-laws), who are living in villages.
This statement is not from a Bihari, but I am writing this to you as a representative of rural India. I will urge everyone to ignore above article and think rationally about your country as an Indian.